Season Memberships for the 2024-25 Season
are on sale NOW!

Select your preferred membership level below or
click here to download a registration form.

For more information on tickets, please call our
Membership Chairman at 850-236-1260


All Sponsor tier memberships (*except for Largo) include:
- 4 season memberships (
*Largo receives 2 season memberships) to all five shows
- Your name or business name cited in each performance program as well as on our website

VIVACE SPONSOR………………………………………………$10,000

ALLEGRO SPONSOR……………………………………….……$5,000

ANDANTE SPONSOR……………………………….…………..$2,000

LARGO SPONSOR*………………………………..……………...$1,000

PCMA 2024-2025 Sponsor Memberships
Seating Location Request


All Benefactor tier memberships include:
- 1 best available premium season ticket to all five shows
- Name listed in the program

PLATINUM BENEFACTOR……….……….………………$500

GOLD BENEFACTOR………………………………….……$275

SILVER BENEFACTOR………………………….…………..$200

PCMA 2024-2025 Benefactor Memberships
Please indicate any seating request here


All Patron tier memberships include:
- 1 best available premium season ticket to all five shows
- Name listed in the program

PATRON MEMBER……….……….……………….…………$175


Adult and Student members receive 1 best available regular season ticket to all five shows

ADULT SEASON MEMBER…………………………………….……$150

STUDENT SEASON MEMBER………………………….…………..$75

PCMA 2024-2025 Patron Memberships
Seating Location Request

All or a portion of your Sponsor or Benefactor donation may be tax-deductible as allowed by law.  Panama City Music Association is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation.  For Federal Income Tax purposes, the deductible portion of your charitable contribution is limited to the excess of the money contributed over the value of the goods provided.  Sponsor levels may also wish to deny some or all of their tickets, thereby increasing the tax-deductible portion of their donation.